For every area of application
the suitable pallet

Made to customer specifications

Below you will find some examples of topper frames and boxes for the transport and storage of products. Hurtz manufactures these from aluminium according to customer-specific specifications in individual and series production. We manufacture closed or open, foldable or rigid topper frames and topper boxes for you entirely according to your requirements.

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Examples for aluminium topper frames and topper boxes

Top frame foldable

- stable and hygienic
- space-saving due to folding
- all sizes possible
- construction hight: manufacturing in 100mm sections

Closed top frame, foldable

Top Frame fix

Closed top frame, fixed

- stable and hygienic
- all sizes possible
- construction hight: manufacturing in 100mm sections

Open top frame foldable

- stable and hygienic
- space-saving due to folding
- all sizes possible
- all hights possible

Open top frame foldable

closed top frame, sheet walls

top frame with sheet, fix

- stable and hygienic
- all sizes possible
- all hights possible
Copyright Anton Hurtz GmbH & Co. KG