For every area of application
the suitable pallet

Hurtz aluminium pallets

Hurtz manufactures high-quality pallets according to GMP and HACCP regulations. An extensive range of profiles consisting of more than 25 own company profiles and numerous standard profiles makes it possible to produce the right pallet for every area of application. These include standard pallets in Euro format, industrial format and taylormade format. Attachment topper frames for pallets are also produced in all desired designs according to customer specific requirements in individual and series production. For the special purpose, we develop demand-oriented pallets with our customers to find the ideal solution. We will be happy to help you choose the right pallet. For damaged aluminium pallets, we offer you our Hurtz repair service!

Standard pallets Euro format

Europalette aus Aluminium / VA 800x1200mm
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Standard pallets industrial format

Industriepalette aus Aluminium oder VA 1.000×1.200mm
To the products

Special pallets

Made to customer specifications
To the products

Made to customer specifications

geschlossene Aufsatzrahmen, faltbar oder starr
To the products

Repair Service

Damaged pallets can be repaired
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Your product idea

Herstellung nach Ihren individuellen Vorgaben
Ask for product idea!

Copyright Anton Hurtz GmbH & Co. KG